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  • Strengthening Medicare Grants - GP Funding Available Now
Strengthening Medicare Grants - GP Funding Available Now

Strengthening Medicare Grants - GP Funding Available Now

We can help you get the most out of your funding

The Australian Government has announced they will be investing $220 Million dollars in grants for GPs over the next two years. The program intends to contribute funding to GPs to help increase quality primary care and make it more accessible for patients.


One-off grants are
available for GPs now
through their PHN.

Applications close on the 15th of June 2023 
Funding needs to be spent by 30th June 2024

It is encouraged that GPs
fill out their applications
as soon as they arrive.

Depending on practice size, one-off grants are available in the amounts of:

  • $25,000,
  • $35,000,
  • $50,000

Applications for the General Practice (GP) Grants Program are open now but will close on the 15th of June 2023. PHNs began sending out application packs to eligible GPs from April 21, 2023. And all GPs must spend their grant before June 30th, 2024.

Framework Of The Grant

Eligible GPs can invest in equipment, minor capital works, education and innovation in the following areas:

  1. Improved Digital Health Systems (computer software and IT hardware) with the goal of enhancing healthcare connectivity in preparation for future requirements. This includes improving telehealth capabilities, increasing data security, and seamless healthcare data-sharing platforms.

    View Digital Portable Devices

  2. Improve infection control and prevention. Allowing Covid, influenza and other respiratory illness patients to be better managed in person.

    View Infection Prevention & Control Products

  3. Maintain or Achieve Accreditation. To help increase safety and quality care from GPs by achieving accreditation under the General Practice Accreditation Scheme from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Standards (RACGP).

    Accreditation Equipment

SSS Australia has a number of solutions for your practice in all three of these categories. Speak to your Personal Account Manager today about maximising your grant -

Personal Account Managers


A Strengthening Medicare Fund was established by the Australian Government as part of the Australian Primary Health Care 10-year Plan which started in March 2022 (more info). The Strengthening Medicare Taskforce (more info) was set up to help:

  • Improves access to GPs and after-hours visits.
  • Provide a greater variety of healthcare support through greater staff education.
  • Make GP visits more affordable.
  • Better identification and treatment of complex conditions and chronic ailments.
  • Which will all help reduce pressure on Hospitals.

This is the largest grant ever offered by the Primary Health Network and is a fantastic opportunity for General Practitioners to innovate and make improvements to their practice.

More Information - PHN Website &


SSS Australia Can Help With RACGP Equipment Requirements (Accreditation)

Blood glucose monitoring equipment
Disposable syringes and needles
Intravenous access
Ear suction
Emergency medicines
Examination light
Gloves (sterile and non-sterile)
Height measurement device
Measuring tape
Patella hammer
Peak flow meter
Point-of-care testing
Pulse oximeter
Spacer for inhaler
Specimen collection equipment
Surgical masks
Urine testing strips and kits
Vaginal specula
Vascular Doppler ultrasound
Visual acuity charts
X-ray Viewers

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